Friday, January 22, 2010

Updates on Haiti

According to a report this morning by OCHA:

Banks are now opening in Haiti. This is a very important step so that people can withdraw money, and families and friends can transfer funds down to Haiti.
Patients are starting to flood into the Dominican Republic, overwhelming the health capacity in that country.
The security situation in PAP is generally stable, with pockets of violence.
The port is operational but not fully up to capacity. They are currently able to accept about 250 containers per day, with a goal of 350 per day.
UNICEF is on the ground registering displaced children.

Aid is getting through to more and more locations. Water is available at many water points
throughout Port-au-Prince but quality remains an issue.
• WFP has provided around 3 million meals to more than 200,000 people. The goal is to distribute 10 million meals over the next week, reaching 100,000 people a day.
• Tens of thousands of people still do not have access to shelter. The Government is identifying sites for temporary settlements.
• Untreated injuries, infectious diseases and sanitary conditions remain a priority concern to prevent death.
• Some 150 planes are landing daily at the Port-au-Prince airport and another 1,000 planes are
waiting to get in. The road from the Dominican Republic remains the best option for the majority of incoming cargo.

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